That Wrecks me Buzz

It’s with a heavy heart that I post this:

In New York an advertising banner went up. It turned out that it was obscured by trees, so at 7am one Sunday morning they came along and cut the trees down.

(Click link for before and after shot and more details)
In slightly related news, I noticed that a lot of the new trees on Whitehall Road near the KCR had been snapped in two by vandals. There were no tops lying around, so I phoned the council to see what had happened. Of course they hadn’t a clue, and the police were no help either. Then a few months later I got a mail saying that they were going to replace all the trees that were broken.

It reminds me of an article I read in Adbusters a while back, how to make seed bombs:

Mix together a big handful of organic compost with a palm sized heap of native wildflower and vegetable seeds. Then add two big handfuls of dry terracotta (red) clay that’s been sifted to remove any chunks. Sprinkle the mixture with just enough water so that it all binds together. Take a pinch of the paste and roll it into penny sized balls, then put them into the sun to dry for a day or two.

Once your seed bombs are ready, look for neglected and derelict patches of dirt that nobody seems to care about. Throw the bombs. Wait for rain.

In a few weeks your seed bombs will help nature get a foothold again, and in return, you’ll get a clear reminder of how your actions can directly change the world for the better. The problems may be huge, but it’s little projects like this that get the ball rolling.

I’d like to do this to the big empty site at Jervis Luas stop behind Chapter House. And to some of the sites on Steven’s Lane that Guinness owns.

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