Christmas/New Year photos online

Well I had a pretty good Christmas. Went home on the 23rd after going out the night before with Brian, Triona, Luke, Rapple, Steve, Molly, Ruth, Marie and Niall. Haven’t seen all those people in the same place for a while. We were in Lagoona and it was packed.

Christmas Photos

So I spent a few days at home watching TV, eating too much and drinking too much. Took lots of photos though, including two family portraits.

Christmas Photos

Towards the end, Steve Wall had a Mince Pie blind taste test. Our family took part in addition to some of Steve’s friends who came down from Dublin for the occasion.

Mince Pies

Then after a few days of that, I went over to Krakow in Poland to see Luke for a few days. We stayed in a cool hostel in Krakow called Nathan’s Villa. There were lots of Scotts there who were good fun. Met some Irish there too, including this girl Fiona who was recently at a house party in the same house that we lived in in Athboy. Small world.

Krakow Photos

So check out the photos by clicking on the photos above or click here for my full photo album, starting with the most recent photos.

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